
Tēnā koutou. Nau mai, haere mai.

Greetings, and welcome to the Actors Lab Studio – a boutique part time acting school where you’ll discover what works for you in your acting. We offer a safe, fun and nurturing space where Studio founder Peter Feeney and his evolving roster of guest tutors – actors, casting directors, improvisors, coaches of various stripes and directors at the top of their game – share their insights and hard won wisdom.

Our tutors are in high industry demand. We like to find the practitioners that don’t normally teach, that you can’t find anywhere else.

You’ll lead your own learning and be guided and supported in this with Peter’s regular teaching and his acting handbook, ‘Acting and How to Survive It,’ handed to you free at your first class. We encourage you to challenge yourself and grow the resilience needed for a long career.

Acting Classes
Auckland acting classes


Actors Lab Studio began 25 years ago in Sydney when Peter Feeney began running scene groups; a place where actors could work out with their peers and keep acting fit. Since then, Peter has taught in Brisbane, Sydney, Toi Whakaari (Wellington), The Actors Program (Auckland), and in his own classes in Auckland and across the motu. Over that time, which has run parallel with Peter’s own professional career, The Actors Lab Studio has evolved into its present form: a school for excellence in the performing arts.

Ready to get started?